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Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hello June x

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Time flies, I can't believe we have reached the midpoint of year 2013. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was busy making my new year resolutions?

Oh well, I never do keep to any anyway.

The saturation of holidays have finally encumbered me, what with my non-existent work-life balance these days. Results came out last Thursday - though I expected the worst this semester, I was surprised that I escaped with a 0.07 increase. Which means I have just been presented with my last chance of an exchange opportunity, before I enter my final year in NTU. It will certainly be the regret of my varsity life if I do not go for exchange in my four years.

As for life, there really isn't anything much except for work daily. I'm loving my job though; working at Esquire Singapore has opened my eyes to the behind-the-scenes of the fashion world. Meeting celebrities and trying not to be too starstruck is one aspect of my job, as well as being on first-name terms with luxury brand managers. Shopping is the best part - I get to walk into shops and pick out outfits that I like, and of course, wear shoes for Yvonne Lim.

I'm kidding, I meant crystal-encrusted stiletto heels.

Anticipate the BTS photos when the August issue of Esquire is out - I can't upload any of my photos until everything is published.

Although I'm no Yvonne Lim, you can view photos of ME at St. Regis for now :')

This is me. Steaming since 1992.

#ootd shot obviously, because St. Regis

And here is Ronald, fellow intern and NTU schoolmate, ft. BK fries and bbq sauce.

Don't ask, for some reason everyone is from NTU, even the two photographers for the shoot. So... ADM (Art, Design and Media school) peeps unite, HSS (Humanities and Social Science)....?

Well, it's ok, I work better solo. Hahahahahaha.

Look forward to photos when I end my internship, that's all I can say~

In other news, I've been squeezing in sleep time whenever I can, as well as meet up with friends et cetera.

And of course, what's summer without a warm night's swim!

Had a really amazing time chilling with le bestie Zhiyi at my condo's jacuzzi 

That's all for tonight folks, tomorrow's Monday again, yet another week is dawning upon us, bringing with it a strong whiff of summer air. May June be a good month for everyone!

Leaving you with my newly-taken passport photo,

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